In brıef

“You never change something by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
 ― R. Buckminster Fuller

Hello, I am Muirén (she, her)
A 68-year-old, obsessively curious arbornaut, technomage, storyteller, musician, hacker, maker
🌹an anti-technofeudal, co-operative capitalist, I advocate for prefigurative social & technological innovation in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering.

Despite the anti-Trans, anti-Black biases of the professional managerial class gatekeepers barring access to community resources for economic justice, I’ve renewed my efforts to find California, Oregon, or Washington state co-operators interested in my proposed nonprofit for unique S.T.E.A.M.-focused ArtScience, demonstration projects centered on promoting the general welfare, securing the common good, a mission: “To Optimize Human Strengths ― Accommodate Human Limitations”.

I seek cooperative mutual aid, but will accept charitable donations for 👩🏽‍💻TinyMaker.Space🤖, for establishing a permanent home and makerspace largely supported through its own efforts; with the goal of developing the aforementioned prefigurative demonstrations through the public facing🧙🏾‍♀️Spelkast Foundation🪄 the organizing, evangelizing force, and funding source through sales of uniquely crafted, tangible fusions of art and tech, and early access to otherworldly performances, participatory action communications replete with behind the scenes, in-depth topical discussions.

My proposition is acquiring land and the building of 🦉DomusVitrea NatureHouse🌿, a multiple tiny homes and makerspaces built inside a glass house. Selecting a mixed-use zoned location makes possible a space to live, to learn, to make:🛖Residence, 🎭Communication & Performing Arts Ecosystem, and 🧘🏾Zen Garden Café, a sanctuary from a cynical, violent world.

Sally Fox Breeder of Foxfibre Colored Cotton

The Long Thread Podcast
A Northern California, organically farmed, naturally colorful and colorfast cotton fiber — sharing wisdom and seed, producing thread, yarn, and fabrics.

Viriditas Farm
Located northeast of San Francisco in the Capay Valley is a fertile valley of Yolo County, California, known for its rich soil and natural beauty, Viriditas Farm is the place where Foxfibre® naturally colored cottons are bred

Future of Microwave Power Beaming • USNRL

Safe, less systemically expensive, more efficient than induction wireless power transfer; I’ve invested over 40 years attempting to cultivate support for mundane application of beamed power instead of launching rockets, powering surveillance drones, or satellite solar power mega projects. I have repeatedly been humiliated in public by whites electric vehicle advocates, white supremacist sycophants dedicated to the Oligarch status quo, ready to trade Oil Barons for Battery Barons, the new boss same as the old boss.

I have a fun, evidenced-based, economically and environmentally sustainable proof of concept project for Smart-Grid to Smart-Road (including Silviculture, Agroforestry, Motorsports) that I am working on alone. Join me if you can prove you’re not another cynical, glad-handing frenemy, competitor, predator seeking to win my trust and sabotage the work.

LongSpéır Transport™ | GMC Serıes•PHEV R&D Platform

While the efficiency of a gas generator is typically of lower horsepower output than a direct combustion engine, the overall efficiency of a properly configured EV system is significantly higher due to superior conversion efficiency and the power output characteristics of electric traction motors compared to an internal combustion engine and drivetrain.

In summation, a hybrid battery electric vehicle (HBEV) powered by a high-output ICE inverter generator may not be as environmentally friendly as a pure battery electric vehicle drawing from sustainable sources, but it is an order of magnitude lower environmental impact than a comparable ICE-driven vehicle, with a reduced battery pack size resulting in increased load capacity, extended range without dependency on charge station availability, while being systemically more efficient than a fossil fueled internal combustion engine vehicle.

Prioritizing the selection of a multi-fuel inverter generator would further enhance vehicle adaptability and mission resilience. “Vehicle adaptability” refers to a vehicle’s ability to adjust and function effectively in different environments or situations, often by changing configurations or utilizing modular components, while “mission resilience” describes a vehicle’s capability to maintain operational effectiveness even when facing challenges or disruptions, ensuring the successful completion of its intended task despite obstacles.
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

*Note: My proposal is for what is called a “Series” PHEV where the GMC drivetrain is entirely electric, enabling components that are by design repairable, replaceable, and upgradeable.

Most PHEV are like the Prius and are a “Parallel” PHEV drivetrain, with a complex, proprietary series-parallel architecture combining motive power from both the ICE and battery electric motor, that by design is expensive to maintain, expensive to repair, and intentionally not upgradeable.

Key points about efficiency comparisons:
■ EV Motor Efficiency: Electric motors convert a much higher percentage of electrical energy into mechanical energy compared to internal combustion engines, typically achieving efficiencies between 85-90%. [4, 5, 6]

■ ICE Inefficiency: Internal combustion engines lose a significant amount of energy as heat during combustion, resulting in lower overall efficiency (around 20-40%). [2, 7, 8, 9]

■ Energy Conversion Losses: Even when using a gas generator to power an EV, there are still energy losses during the charging process and in the motor itself. However, these losses are generally less than the energy losses in an ICE. [2, 4, 5]


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