Future of Microwave Power Beaming • USNRL

Safe, less systemically expensive, more efficient than induction wireless power transfer; I’ve invested over 40 years attempting to cultivate support for mundane application of beamed power instead of launching rockets, powering surveillance drones, or satellite solar power mega projects. I have repeatedly been humiliated in public by whites electric vehicle advocates, white supremacist sycophants dedicated to the Oligarch status quo, ready to trade Oil Barons for Battery Barons, the new boss same as the old boss.

I have a fun, evidenced-based, economically and environmentally sustainable proof of concept project for Smart-Grid to Smart-Road (including Silviculture, Agroforestry, Motorsports) that I am working on alone. Join me if you can prove you’re not another cynical, glad-handing frenemy, competitor, predator seeking to win my trust and sabotage the work.
