Our current way of schooling isn’t working. Due to its history, the education system carries persistent problems to the present day. Let’s look at some solutions to revolutionise our approach to education for a liberated future.
Whoverse: Boston Robotics Inspired K9?
Hey y’all, Muirén here. I keep waiting to see K9 Mark IV regeneration, an upgrade based on, or inspired by the Boston Robotics dog-like Spot concept — not wearing a typical fursuit, but rather, cosplay better suited to Whoverse canon, and most important, motion-capture technology that enables an actor to bring K9 to life as never before, interacting in real-time with the Doctor(s) and Companion(s).
About K9 per the Doctor Who Wiki
First appearing with the Fourth Doctor in 1977, shortly after fighting a Rutan scout at Fang Rock Lighthouse, (TV: Horror of Fang Rock) the Doctor and Leela were joined by K9 Mk 1.
K9 has been a central character in three Doctor Who television spin-offs: K-9 and Company (1981), The Sarah Jane Adventures (2007–2011), and K9 (2009–2010). The character was created by Bob Baker and Dave Martin, to whom rights to the character still belong. Though never intended to be a recurring character, K9 was kept because he was expected to be popular with young people.
There have been at least 4 separate K9 units, with the first two being companions of the Fourth Doctor. Voice actor John Leeson provided the character’s voice, except during season 17 of Doctor Who, when David Brierley stepped in briefly.
Blurring the line between Acoustic and MIDI
LoFiLeif Channel addresses questions about nice-sounding/playing virtual acoustic instruments. This demonstration video uses a preview copy of the soon-to-be release of MIDI Guitar 3, audio-to-MIDI software from Jam Origin inside GigPerformer Rackspace Instances and variations.
Dye-Sublimation: Full-Colour 1st Layer 3D Prints
Johan from Nerds.PH has created an amazing process combining full colour 2D printing with 3D printing, using dye sublimation. Here Michael Laws of Teaching Tech shows us a well conceived, cheap way to get started, explaining the best slicer and print settings so you can replicate these results.
First Look: Flashforge Adventurer 5M Pro CoreXY Printer
“You never change something by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― R. Buckminster Fuller
Hello, I am Muirén (she, her)
A 68-year-old, obsessively curious arbornaut, technomage, storyteller, musician, hacker, maker…
🌹As an ecocentric, anti-technofeudal, co-operative capitalist, I advocate for prefigurative social & technological innovation in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering.
Despite the anti-Trans, anti-Black biases of the professional managerial class gatekeepers barring access to community resources for economic justice, I’ve renewed my efforts to find California, Oregon, or Washington state co-operators interested in my proposed nonprofit for unique S.T.E.A.M.-focused ArtScience, demonstration projects centered on promoting the general welfare, securing the common good, a mission: “To Optimize Human Strengths ― Accommodate Human Limitations”.
I seek cooperative mutual aid, but will accept charitable donations for 👩🏽💻TinyMaker.Space🤖, for establishing a permanent home and makerspace largely supported through its own efforts; with the goal of developing the aforementioned prefigurative demonstrations through the public facing 🧙🏾♀️SpelKast Foundation🪄 the organizing, evangelizing force, and funding source through sales of uniquely crafted, tangible fusions of art and tech, and early access to otherworldly performances, participatory action communications replete with behind the scenes, in-depth topical discussions.
My proposition is acquiring land and the building of 🦉DomusVitrea NatureHouse🌳, a multiple tiny homes and makerspaces built inside a glass house. Selecting a mixed-use zoned location makes possible a space to live, to learn, to make:🛖Residence, 🎭Communication & Performing Arts Ecosystem, and 🧘🏾Zen Garden Café, a sanctuary from a cynical, violent world.